Been a while! Went winter camping. It was fun but I don't know what I'd do if it were for more than one night because the inside of the tent got so wet overnight with condensation and I'd be afraid that it wouldn't dry out and just be chilly. Anyway, it was a good experience. Not sure I'd do it again.
On the cabin front. I've been checking out a couple of other builders. One is Stockade Style Log Homes, as well as Shady Lane in Pictou county, and also Nu-Space Construction and Design in Truro. Also emailed Graves Barns and Building (that's the second time) and didn't hear from them. And I haven't heard from Robert since he said to give him a couple of weeks while he came up with an estimate. However, both Shady Lane and Nu-Space are looking promising and I'm actually meeting with Mark at Nu-Space this weekend. Shady Lane estimate included the decks (2). Nu-Space included the slab. They were both about the same amount. Since then, Shady Lane has given an estimate for the front deck as well. I like that they do the slab. That would be a big headache for me - to find someone to do it and to know they're doing it right for the building. So much easier to have the builder do it. So I'm meeting with Nu-space and we'll see how that goes.
Couple of weekends ago me and the gang went out and camped on the site. Eric did his best to flag the property line based on very little information but I think it's a pretty good idea. He's going to take the coordinate to the DNR office where he lives and see if they line up to what we think. It was good to get Eric's view on where he thought would be the best location for the cabin. We spent the next day kayaking from Pugwash Harbour down to the property, had lunch, and kayaked back. All very doable :)
Last weekend John and Jen were here so we went up a) to show them and b) to stake out the location for the cabin. Got that done, which was great. Talking to John I've also added 2 feet to the width (now 24' x 18') and made the bathroom larger (5' x 7'). We also plotted out the best, driest way in to the cabin from the lane. Not sure what I'm going to do to keep that lane passable without it becoming urban looking (and expensive no doubt).
Eric is going to clear the land for the cabin and we'll get some of the scrub at the front taken down to open up the view.
So that's about that. In other news, the lawnmower is humming! I wonder if I was tying to start it without pulling on the handlebar thing. Anyway it's going. John put some more gas in it and checked the oil. Not much more handy stuff going on that I can think of but I'm planting seedlings - basil, cilantro, baby peppers, spinach, peas, beans, and I'm going to try potatoes as well.
That's it then!
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