Friday, December 7, 2012

More handyman challenges. I bought a nice little storage rack from Canadian Tire today. Easy to put together. All went well until the last screw. The damn thing wouldn't go in. I loosened all the other screws a bit more ('cos they weren't fully tight yet - I know you don't fully tighten until the very end) but that didn't help. Took it all apart and tried another screw in that spot but that didn't help either. The dowels have a metal shaft in them and this one was screwed. 

Step 1 - empty the box, lay all the pieces on the floor
Step 2 - put together...
Step 3- screwed...

Looks ok - screw the screw
Might have to glue that dowel. That's for tomorrow, along with back to the lighting. I bought 2 of those as well. We'll see how that goes.

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